Most of the ceremonies are practiced for the good of the whole and the health and welfare of the people. While each participant grows and develops through these ceremonies, their intent is not for the individual.

The Vision Quest is a true personal ceremony. It is designed to enlighten and assist the individual human in the development of direct communication with Great Spirit. A true Vision Quest requires readiness by the individual and full ceremony and songs to enhance the power and protection. Participants spend many hours, if not days, in contemplation and prayer. The actual ceremony traditionally will last for four days.

In the “Mini Vision Quest” workshop participants will be given the opportunity to glimpse the full ceremony. In today’s world most people do not spend even an hour in nature after quieting their mind. We may walk, or even sit in nature but our mind is so busy that we are either lost in our thoughts or just drifting through looking and listening to the beauty.

The Mini Vision Quest starts with a Sweat Lodge. The Lodge will be two “rounds” in length and the people will be brought into a place where they are relaxed and open to the experience. They will then go to a previously selected private place in nature and will spend four hours alone. Because of the changing of energy in the lodge participants will be open to the teachings provided my Mother Earth and her creatures and upon completion of the ceremony they will take with them subtle wisdom that will be used in years to come.

After the four-hour “quest” participants will again enter the lodge and will complete the other two “rounds. There will be a time for sharing of experiences between the water pourer and the participants. They will then leave the lodge. It is good to have some time after the experience for individuals to either talk together or even relax alone where they can process even more of their experience. If this is used in a multi-day seminar then dinner should be at least an hour after completion of the ceremony.

Number of people recommended: As many as the lodge will hold.

Materials needed: Same materials as the lodge, plus enough land space that people can be in their “spot” and not see the other participants. This, as stated before, is personal and private and human connection should not be available.

Time required: Seven hours minimum