Since the beginning of time us two-legged creatures have questioned and marveled about the four-legged inhabitants of our Earth Mother – the animals. Native American people know that all things on the Earth Mother are related and all things are teachers. Some of the most visible and articulate teachers are the animals. Not only do they enrich our lives with food and protection but they also embody the vast spiritual world of guide, teacher and wisdom. It is our belief that each human is blessed with “animal spirit guides” or, “Power Animals”, who nurture and advise us. It is our responsibility to become knowledgeable of their presence and learn to work with and listen to these guides.

This meditation is performed in a group setting; the more present the better, as energy is cumulative as well as private. Participants are asked to lie down and will be guided by drumming and speaking to a place where they can meet and talk with their spirit animal.

Participants will not only gain knowledge of their power animal but will develop a sense of themselves and how to work with that energy.

Recommended number of people: Unlimited by size

Materials needed: None

Time Allotted: 1 to 2 hours - Will vary with size of group and any discussion following meditation.