Medicine Card Reading

This reading will be done with the Medicine Cards, which were written by David Carson and Jamie Sams. This is a way to improve one’s connection with the Great Mystery through lessons our fellow creatures exhibit. In this reading you will be drawn into complete harmony with the strength of that particular animals essence. This reading is an aspect in how to seek the truths before us in nature. This is also one way of helping others to understand their connection to our Mother Earth and all of her creatures. This is a beautiful teaching of what it means to “walk in balance with Mother Earth.”

Each animal has it’s own lesson that would be applicable to each individual. You may even be able to find your own particular power ally that may become your teacher. It is possible to call on this animal when you have questions regarding the paths you may be taking in your life or in a time of crisis when you need to call for strength. Spirit always seems to know what particular creature is needed in your life and will send this animal to assist you.

It is very important to keep an open mind when an animal reveals itself to you. Most of us would like the great Eagle to bring us closer to Spirit but it may be the Rabbit that will teach us that we may have to overcome some fear that is keeping us where we are on our path. Whatever animals may come to you is a blessing from Spirit. It will also calls us to remember that we are all one.

Making Medicine (A Companion Manual to the Medicine Cards)

This manual is designed to augment the use of the Medicine Cards. It is a tool for self- discovery and renewal. With the assistance of a facilitator, you will come to a greater understanding of the gifts and teachings that the animals can bring into your life. We each carry this medicine within us and through this teaching you may discover this power within yourself and learn how to utilize it in your everyday life. Remember that there are many paths and doorways to the goal of happiness and truth. This work is designed to open the door or pathway that is guarded by the animal powers.

This workshop can be a weekend workshop or a workshop held at a specific time during the year. All that would be required of participants would be to bring a journal and a pen.

The facilitator would assist the group through guided meditations enabling a personal and complete connection to animal medicine. The participants will be given a workbook that they will be able to utilize on their own after attending the workshop.

Moon Lodge Work

This is the Women’s teaching that the Grandmothers have passed down to us regarding our roll as women. This is designed to honor all women for their strengths and abilities. This workshop will focus on the energy of Grandmother Moon and her teachings. There is a great need for women to come together to honor each other for the power that we all carry within us. We are the fertile ones who bleed and are able to give birth. We need to come together to remember who we are.

In the times we are living in there is a great need for the nurturing that is only within the female. We must first learn to nurture ourselves as women before we can nurture others. The Moon Lodge is a safe place for us to go to during our own Moon time so we may learn the old ways to care for other women. The grandmothers all taught that this was a time for a woman to go within and give birth to her creative side. There is many teachings on the Moon time and this will enable all women to come to a place of honoring and understanding of the great power of women.

Women on their Moon time are not to be present during ceremonies where the Pipe is present, such as the Insipid or Sweat Lodge. They will be given directions as to where they may go to receive the Grandmothers teachings. The teachings regarding Moon Lodge will enable a woman to feel more comfortable with herself and gain understanding of this tradition.


Reiki is pronounced ‘Ray-key”. Rei means “universal” and refers also to the spiritual dimension and the soul. Ki means the vital life force energy that flows through all that is alive. Reiki is the science and art of activating, directing and applying natural, universal energy, to promote energy balancing, healing, and wholeness, to prevent disorders and to maintain a state of positive wellness no matter what your age.

In the beginning Reiki was not taught as a healing modality but rather as a system of spiritual self-improvement. It dates back many thousands of years to ancient Tibet. The Reiki calligraphy was a system of meditation used by the monks. The idea was to implant the symbols deep in the subconscious mind through concentration, thus raising the consciousness and heightening the awareness while purification of the body/mind continuum occurred.

The participants may choose to come for treatments by Certified Reiki therapist or Reiki Masters. They may also choose to be initiated as a Reiki therapist beginning with a First Degree class.

Included in a seminar for students taking First Degree Reiki would be instruction by a certified, professional Reiki Master/Teacher in a series of four completely safe activating, aligning energy attunements. You will receive instruction on how to activate, at will, your Reiki energy power. Instructions will be given on directing and applying Reiki energy in a precise way which is easy to learn and to remember.

Snakeskirt Conjure

This is a very ancient shamanic tradition of healing. Conjure holds that all beings are interrelated in the Web of Creation. According to Conjure, all imbalances are caused by some offense to the Laws of Nature and this symbiotic relationship. A Snakeskirt is empowered by years of learning and sacrifice to identify the imbalance and to help the afflicted person amend the original issue.

We invite you to share in this age-old method of reconnecting to the Sacred Whole through use of guided meditation, touch therapy, and other modalities. The intent is to create a sacred space where healing can occur.

Participants are asked to wear comfortable clothing that can get dirty.

Creating Your Sacred Space

This workshop will focus on life patterns the participant has developed that restricts their spiritual growth. They will be given skills to enable them to peel away destructive habits and create a more blessed space for themselves.

This workshop can include guided meditations, sweat lodges and other teachings that can be specifically designed to the groups needs. There will be some prior preparation required by the facilitator in determining what would be needed or best suited for the specific group needs.

This workshop can be designed to be a weekend or even a day in length. This determination will be made according to the teachings requested. Some of the teachings will require more time than others. The teachers will inform you as to what type of setting they will need in order to facilitate this event.

Tong Ren Therapy

This is a healing system developed by Master Tom Tam that utilizes Chi Gong and Karl Jung’s teaching on the collective unconscious. The belief is that the mind is one of the strongest healing tools available. The mind is focused and becomes one with the person requesting the healing. During this time the therapist is able to tap into the collective unconscious, therefore increasing the effectiveness of this method. It is typically done long distance. There is a definite movement in the Chi during this treatment that has been noted by many of the patients.

Tong Ren therapy has been successful in treating cancer patients, nervous and emotional disorders, pain management therapy, and weight loss to name just a few. It is as effective on children as it is on adults.

This method would require the person seeking the healing to contact the therapist and set an appointment or it can be done in a group setting upon request. Each of the therapists has been taught this method by Master Tam and is certified practitioners.

We also offer a workshop in teaching this healing system to interested individuals upon request. The workshop is instructional and experiential and participants will be certified therapist of Master Tam’s healing system, which not only includes Tong Ren but also the Pi Gu Therapy, Tui Na massage, and acupuncture points using the Magnetic Hammer.

Pi Gu Therapy

Pi Gu is an ancient Chinese way of fasting, it literally translates from Chinese as “stop eating grain”. It is one the methods taught by Master Tom Tam that a practitioner might use for weight loss on a patient. This healing method has also been effective on anorexic and bulimic patients, diabetics, gallstones, liver disorders, stomach ulcers and many other illnesses. Pi Gu is another form of Chi Gong that brings the Chi back into balance within the body to improve circulation and the digestive system. The metabolism is then in balance and the body is able to metabolize the energy or “Chi” as needed. This system has been very successful and is very simple.

This can be done individually or in a group setting. This system is also taught in the seminar offered to certify in the Tom Tam Healing system.
Tui Na Massage

Tui Na is one of the major healing systems used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tui means to “push” and “Na” means to grasp. This type of massage focuses on the meridian and acupuncture points, muscles, tendons, joints and soft tissue. It is the use of one’s hands to connect with the patient and find the blockages and release them. Tui Na helps to prevent illnesses and increase longevity.

This is easy to learn and practice and is taught in the Tom Tam Healing System seminar.

You may also contact a therapist certified in this system to be able to obtain individual treatments.

Give Away Ceremony

This ceremony is a teaching of honoring the journey of each individual’s grief, release and joy. It is also a celebration of life and a pattern of letting go to open the door to new opportunities. This ceremony is the recognition of the sacrifices of both self and others.

In tribal ways, a person was willing to gladly give away all they owned and do without in order to help the people. This teaching is something that is missing in our world today. We are taught to try to accumulate as much as possible to show the world how successful we are, as if success is only a material concept. This teaching allows many of us to really take notice of what we have accumulated that is no longer productive in our life but find that we just can’t “let go”. This can be material in nature but can also include physical or even spiritual belief systems that are holding us captive. The Giving is without regret and with a joyful heart.

This ceremony can be included in the different seminars as a way of closing. The “gifts” can be many different things, so please speak with the facilitator regarding your desire to include this ceremony.

Choctaw and Lakota Traditions

This workshop will include teachings from both Choctaw and Lakota teachers. It will focus on the true meaning of protecting our Mother, our stewardship, responsibilities, and our sacred space. Also covered will be the teachings of family and tribe. The Ancestors felt a great need to pass the traditions down among family. We are now aware that if we are all to live together as one “tribe” we must also pass these teachings on to those that are open and receptive to honor our elders. These are teachings to take and integrate into your life that will enrich your spiritual awareness. They will bring a greater understanding to the participant regarding the importance of children, family, and the entire tribe.

The Choctaw teacher is David Carson, a well-known author and Pipe carrier of the Choctaw Clan pipe. The Lakota teacher is Kam Lau Nightchase, respected teacher and Sun Dance Chief. Kam is a visionary who is able to bring his visions to fruition through his gift of openness and unselfishness. Both men have traveled world wide to bring the teachings to all people.